The JibJab Blog

Stick Your Face In It!

Visual Development

For the first week or two of the projects the Art team was given the script and the freedom to do whatever they wanted. If they wanted to design characters, great. If they wanted to do storyboards, great. We did not even begin this project wed to the idea using puppets. Our main object was to just have some fun and see where it took us.

Here is a smattering of some of the art that got produced during week 1. You can see a lot of the team gravitated towards characters, a bunch of which like Angela Merkel and Nancy Pelosi didn’t even make it into the final video…

3 responses to “Visual Development”

  1. Here’s a poem I wrote which might make a great “Jib-Jab”:
    The Year We Missed Christmas

    It was the night after Christmas; the sun rose the next day,
    Santa had vanished with his reindeer and sleigh.

    There had been no Christmas, just tears and chagrin,
    The cries of the children made a terrible din.

    What could have caused this terrible plight?
    After all, Christmas is an absolute right.

    From the distance we heard a voice with a sigh,
    We listened to the words……and then we knew why.

    “On Nancy, On Harry, we must pass this bill,
    Health Care and Stimulus must pass on the “hill”.

    “On Fanny, On Freddy, On Dodd and on Frank!,
    Homes for everyone, there’s lots in the bank.”

    “Bail out the Unions and the teachers too,
    They got us elected; we must pay them their due”.

    Global warming or climate change, it really matters not,
    Redistributing wealth…..”we’ll get what you got”!

    Shut down the drilling; close all the mines,
    Put owners in jail with plenty of fines.

    “On Card Check; On Acorn; On S.E.I.U.!
    On Cloward and Pivin; and Cass Sunstein too!”

    Close “Gitmo” because terrorism is dead,
    Proclaimed the A.G……….“ Eric the Red”.

    There’s no border problem, as everyone can see,
    Just hurry up and pass am-nes-ty.

    Will you be fondled or seen practically nude?
    TSA laughs; takes our liquids and food.

    “On Waxman; On Schumer; On Waters; and Wrangel;
    Be sure to blame Bush, Palin and Angle,”

    “Pillage and plunder, there’s plenty you see,
    We’ll just print more cash, says Ben Ber-nan-kee”.

    China is laughing and Russia says “Nyet”.
    They both have us dancing like a marionette.

    North Korea and Iran keep girding for war,
    Thank goodness the U.N has more meetings in store.

    Let’s stop passing bills for those out of work,
    Let’s give them income for life, we know they won’t shirk.

    Keep increasing taxes to care for the needy,
    The rich have their wealth because they are greedy.

    Departments of Energy, Commerce and more,
    Would we really miss them if they went out the door?

    All of the Congress abstained from their duty,
    When they got to D.C., it’s “pass out the booty!”

    The judges make laws right from the bench;
    While the bailout continues for “Mr. Good Wrench”.

    Cars must be “green” and burn only air.
    With plenty of subsidies, isn’t that fair?

    “Yes” to wind farms and solar; “NO” to oil and coal,
    Cap and Taxes is our ultimate goal.

    “On Obama; On Clinton; On Gibbs; and on Biden !;
    Shovel ready projects and streets we must widen.”

    Shut down “talk radio”, Fox, Hannity and Rush,
    Make the FCC the purveyor of “mush”.

    The networks, the Times; the epithets they hurled,
    They seem to be reporting on an alternate world.

    So, why no Christmas? Why this cal-am-it-y?
    No money was left for toys or the Christmas tree.

    Mrs. Claus was crying, the elves were making a fuss;
    Nothing was provided in the stim-u-lus.

    Santa went to all the banks, he needed to borrow some dough;
    “Our Bank bonuses must come first; the answer is NO!”

    So, “personal freedom” lost out to “collective rights;”
    And I heard Santa say…..”will someone turn out the lights?”

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