The JibJab Blog

Stick Your Face In It!

Never a Year Like ’09


The Writing Process

Scratch Tracks

Storyboards and Animatics

Recording Sessions

Scene 1: The Train

Scene 2: Bush and Obama

Scene 3: Afghanistan

Scene 4: Twitter Revolt

Scene 5: Crowley and Gates

Scene 6: Jon and Kate

Scene 7: Finger Biting

Scene 8: Public Option

Scene 9: Palin Quit

Scene 10: Clinton

Scene 11: Swine Flu

Scene 12: Late Night Lust

Scene 13: Auto Kings

Scene 14: Captain Sully

Scene 15: Hit the Bong

Scene 16: Octomom

Scene 17: Olympic Bids

Scene 18: Michael Vick

Scene 19: Brett Favre

Scene 20: You Lie!

Scene 21: Balloon Boy

Scene 22: Ahnuld

Scene 23: Kitchen Sink

Scene 24: Carrie Prejean

Scene 25: Governor Sanford

Scene 26: Sotomayor

Scene 27: Nobel Award

Scene 28: Muammar Kadafi

Scene 29: Three Wolf Moon

Scene 30: Rest in Peace

Scene 31: Walter, Farrah, Ed

Scene 32: Ted Kennedy

Scene 33: Michael Jackson

Scene 34: Keyboard Cat

Scene 35: Stuff We Missed

Scene 36: Grand Finale

Scene 37: The Team

Sound Design

Even More Pics

Never a Year Press!

Shout Out to the Crew!

3 responses to “Never a Year Like ’09”

  1. Josmel and ben tomybenluis have the best 👌 ❤ 💙 🙌 💓 ♥ 👌 ❤ 💙 🙌 💓 ♥ 👌 ❤ 💙 is the most beautiful place to be a man the man of a man has a good life in his Friends and his family is very important and I will be a good fit in this position as I have been in a lot with my current employer for years bomb zeeky and friends and I will be able and I

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